Hager Headquarter, Blieskastel, Germany
Hager’s new administrative building and training facility is built as part of the existing building complex around a central circular hall at the company premises in Blieskastel, Germany. The training facilities are situated on the ground floor, including three rooms connected to an open-plan office. On the two upper floors, there are open-plan office spaces with meeting rooms of different sizes.
Transsolar advised on the facade, comfort and energy concept. The comfort and energy concept was quantitatively verified through simulations, and different supply systems were evaluated for their economic efficiency.
Comfort concept:
-Thermally activated components in exposed concrete ceilings designed as PI-ceiling
-Laterally movable external shading combined with internal glare protection
-Motorized operable windows with
CO2 control and optional night ventilation
-Use of the interior thermal storage capacity via night ventilation (cross ventilation)
-Manual user interaction with the climate via operable windows and facade convectors
Energy concept:
-Primary use of concrete core activation as low temperature heating and high temperature cooling
-Use of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery only in dedicated special areas
-Energy-optimized cooling by geothermal boreholes with reversible heat pump
-Use of waste heat from the adjacent production hall for heating purposes