Behnisch Architekten + Transsolar

The Stuttgart-based practices Behnisch Architekten and Transsolar KlimaEngineering have been collaborating for many years to develop solutions for a sustainable and responsible architecture. This collaboration has encompassed competitions and projects in Germany and abroad. The foundation of this collaboration is the belief that high-quality built environments can be realized with fewer natural resources.
The Ecology.Design.Synergy exhibition is a cooperation with the ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, English: Institute for Foreign Relations) and the Aedes Architecture Forum. It attempts to bring a new perspective to sustainability, one with a personal significance to the individual, instead of seeing sustainability on a global level which is typically encountered in the media. The curator, Frank Ockert, accomplishes this goal by elucidating what temperature, air, light, sound, material and human scale are, what sustainability measures in the built environment are, and how these natural and man-made phenomena are perceived by the human mind and body.
Both common and company-specific projects are presented to assess the results of previous collaborations, as well as possibilities for the future. Some featured projects include the RiverParc Development in Pittsburgh, the John and Frances Angelos Law Center in Baltimore and the Norddeutsche Landesbank in Hannover.
Photos: Frank Ockert