Johann Balthasar Neumann, (1687-1753) was a an imporant builder of the baroque and rococo styles in Southern Germany. The Würzburg Residence is one of his most acclaimed pieces of work.
The Balthasar Neumann Award is a recognition for architecture and civil engineering services in Germany. The prize, which is awarded every two years, is donated by the Bund Deutscher Baumeister, Architekten und Ingenieure e. V. (BDB) and the magazine Deutsche BauZeitschrift (DBZ). The competition will take place for the eleventh time in 2018.
The Balthasar Neumann Award recognizes exemplary and innovative collaboration between architects and engineers from various disciplines on a cuturally significant structure of the highest technical quality. Overall, the parameters of sustainable building should be met when being considered for the Balthasar Neumann Award. This means that technical aspects such as energy and resource consumption over the entire lifecycle should be considered, in addition to the socio-cultural requirements. The prize is awarded for the successful cooperation in the field of architecture, structure and energy/sustainability concept and is presented to the planners of these three areas. Also awarded is the owner of the award-winning project. The festive award ceremony will take place on May 17, 2018 in the Würzburg Residence.
Only one project is presented with the Balthasar-Neumann-Award every two years. However, three additional projects which also focus on interdisciplinary cooperation are recognized as well.
Transsolar is pleased to be among those recognized, for the remodel of Hofguts Karpfsee in Bad Heilbrunn, in cooperation with Florian Nagler Architects.