On February 2nd, the School of Design Buildings 1 and 3 ("SDE13") at the National University of Singapore (NUS) will be officially opened with a ceremony.
The same day Wolfgang Kessling will speak at the Carbon Symposium for the Built Environment, conducted by School of Design and Engineering (SDE) at the NUS.
Transsolar developed and analysed concepts for refurbishing the facades and to create a high comfort - super low energy building retaining the existing base building. Transsolar also estimated the “recuring embodied carbon” for the adaptive reuse of the base building, giving value to past construction emissions, and integrating it in a carbon story that includes emissions from construction, operation, and energy generation, demonstrating a pathway to holistically lower emissions
The Carbon Symposium for the Built Environment serves as a scaffold to reflect and explore research and design/technology solutions to one of the most significant challenges of the 21st century. The Carbon Symposium will also discuss the launch of the Renovating Carbon book and the importance of adaptive reuse for low or zero-carbon developments. The book stems from the adaptive-reuse of NUS SDE 1&3 and their transformation into super-low carbon and net-zero energy buildings. They demonstrate an effective strategy for urban sustainability: the optimization of operational performance of built assets while integrating design excellence and sustainability leadership.
2 February 2023
Session 1: 0900 - 1100 (SGT) Session 2: 1120 - 1330 (SGT)
NUS SDE 3 Level 4
02.02.2023 Singapore: Opening of SDE13 & Carbon Symposium