Thomas Auer invited to KIT Symposium

The symposium is dedicated to the resource of the 21st century: our building stock. With growing waste volumes and ever scarcer raw materials, careless building demolitions and replacements must be avoided. Instead, existing buildings should be converted and rebuilt, components removed, reused and reused again. The linear system geared towards the demolition of buildings corresponds neither to an economic nor to an ecological handling of the resources at our disposal. The embodied energy stored in the materials used, in transport and in construction, as well as the cultural and social value of architecture are lost. It is therefore important to think in cycles and to preserve as much of the existing building stock as possible on the premise of resource- and climate-friendly architecture.

The event on 29 April 2022 is organized by the Professorship of Sustainable Construction the KIT and Thomas Auer is invited as a presenter and will talk about “Comfort strategies for flexibility and longevity” and take part in the panel discussion.

Please register for free admission live event at ZKM Karlsruhe. The symposium is also available in a live stream on