The Transsolar Academy educational program is based on a yearly 1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3 split in between 1. lectures, 2. personal projects and 3. hands-on experience – with the personal project touching a key problem currently faced by the country the fellow comes from.
The personal project presentation kick-off was in January and last Friday the Project Vision Review was scheduled. The goal of the two-hour overall presentation is to share the "story line" so far developed for the project in order to initiate feedback from all Transsolarians.
We know this review is a critical one, regarding the overall direction the personal project may take. We also know it is the hard work, as in any project, to develop a clear story line from the overall vision and to reconnect to it - a process known to our staff, that has experience working in design teams throughout all phases of a project.
The Review took place in Stuttgart, the other offices were participating online.