Comprehensive School, Lippstadt, Germany

The new construction of the comprehensive school, consisting of five interconnected buildings, replaces old school buildings from the 1970s. The external appearance is characterized by bright exposed brickwork and large glass surfaces, framed by precast concrete elements.
Transsolar was in charge of fulfilling the request for exceptional energy efficiency and developed the energy concept with barely visible solutions for a well-thought-out interaction of building, technology and user requirements. Exposed concrete in the interior has room-climatic aspects: the concrete surfaces in the classrooms serve passively as thermal storage and cool the classrooms during summer. Roof and walls have large insulation thicknesses and thus a high energy standard.
The lighting concept is energy-conscious as well: Intensive studies on daylight values in advance characterized the planning. With presence detectors and daylight-dependent controls as well as large windows with low parapets, supplemented by skylights and LEDs for sufficient lighting, the solution for building operation is optimal. Cost-effective lightweight panels made of excelsior are used as ceiling sails in the classrooms to ensure good acoustics. They require less space than, for example, gypsum plasterboard and thus allow more thermal storage mass to remain due to non-suspended ceiling areas.
2019 Deutscher Ziegelpreis
2018 Schulbaupreis Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen

Erdgeschoss mit schematischer Lage der untersuchten Zonen: Süd-Ost Raum und Mensa

Lastgang des Wärmebedarfs einer Winterwoche aufgelöst auf die Bereiche Sporthalle, Schulgebäude und Schwimmhalle

Lastgang des Wärmebedarfs einer Sommerwoche aufgelöst auf die Bereiche Sporthalle, Schulgebäude und Schwimmhalle